Kathmandu Forestry College

Study tours, exposure visits and excursions are integral components of the course. These tours and visits are organized in coordination with governmental organizations such as district forest offices, protected area offices and district soil conservation offices, Sagarnath Forest Development Project and non-governmental organizations such as National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC) and International Center for Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD).

B. Sc. in Forestry

The major subject areas during field training and visits include Silviculture, Agroforestry, Forest Management, Forest Mensuration, Forest Protection, Forest Harvesting and Utilization, Soil and Water Conservation, Eco-Tourism and Recreation, Entrepreneurship Development and Wild-life and Bio-diversity Conservation. During the field trips, students learn basics of field measurement techniques such as household questionnaire survey, tree height and diameter measurement, wild life census techniques and practice soil conservation techniques such as contour plantation, palisade and wattling.